Reclaiming Our Power

Reclaiming Our Power

Naje Badu

As we approach the conclusion of our shared journey through this book, I must offer a subtle warning that we are about to make a small yet exhilarating departure from our exploration of healing, growth, and evolution. My utmost hope is that this last passage of The Path and the Power will resonate as the most meaningful content we've shared along the way. There's a deliberate reason behind placing this passage last, and its significance will unfold as we conclude. That said, I encourage you to stay open to the flow of insights and maintain an open-minded approach to understanding who we are at our core. But before we continue, allow me to share something deeply personal. 

Before we proceed, I'd like to share something profoundly personal with you. A couple of years ago, I took the plunge and had a full natal chart reading. My intention wasn't to receive a long-term future prediction. Instead, I sought to gain insight into the inner thoughts and feelings that didn't conform to conventional norms. It was a game-changer, to say the least, as I found myself suddenly bestowed with a newfound awareness of who I am and why I perceive the world around me in the unique way that I do.  

The reading illuminated my quirks and idiosyncrasies that had, for the longest time, made me feel like a bit of an outsider. I realized that these qualities were not flaws but rather beautiful imprints on my soul, of the higher self within that would guide me to the fulfillment of my assigned destiny. They shaped me into the person I am today, and it explained why I often felt like I didn't quite fit into the molds of society, family, or even this grand world. You see, my birth chart reading provided a clear map of my inner universe, helping me understand why I see and feel the way I do about the experiences in my life and the unfolding of the world. It was a revelation, a burst of liberation, and it emboldened me to be unapologetically, authentically me.  

That said, this concluding passage explores the theme of seeking readings as one of the most profound acts of self-love we can embark upon. The aim is to lead us toward gaining a clearer understanding of who we are and why we're here, enabling us to zero in with laser focus on fulfilling our divine purpose in this lifetime. In my view, having our natal chart read (as suggested in the first few passages) is a great step toward embarking on our divine path and connecting with our inherent power. Now is our time to uncover the magical mysteries within our souls and embrace the uniqueness with which we have been gifted. 

Before I delve into the purpose of my sharing, let's take a moment to reflect on our ancestral lineage. You see, back in the ancient, indigenous eras, the stars were more than mere pinpricks of light in the night sky; they were the keepers of stories, the guides of destiny, and the harbingers of spiritual connection. Much like many of other indigenous cultures around the world, our ancestors looked to the heavens, the earth, and the natural world for guidance and meaning. Across the pages of history, spanning from ancient times to the present, the women and men of our lineage have consistently shown a remarkable connection to the Earth and a deep bond with one another. This relationship with the natural world and with their fellow tribe members was not merely an incidental or occasional occurrence; instead, it formed the very essence of their existence, intricately woven into the fabric of their daily lives. 

In ancient times, our forebears were adept at harnessing their inner strength. They nurtured a profound connection with the natural world, seamlessly integrating their rituals, traditions, and customs into the very essence of the Earth and the Universe. Our ancestors possessed an innate comprehension of the perpetual ebb and flow of seasons, the choreography of the skies, and the intricacies of terrestrial existence. Yet, their wisdom extended beyond the tangible world, encompassing the otherworldly and the invisible realms where all that could be dreamt or envisioned already resided, patiently awaiting alignment with the physical, tangible world. 

For our ancestors, such insights were neither esoteric nor optional. Rather, they were the bedrock of survival, spiritual connection, and practical wisdom. The Earth itself was not perceived as a mere resource to be plundered but as a sentient being deserving reverence and reciprocity. In their eyes, the unseen dimensions of existence held a unique significance, serving as the bridge between the dreamt and the lived, where the visions and aspirations of our people could seamlessly materialize into reality.  

Furthermore, the interconnectedness among individuals within tribes wasn't just a social construct; it stemmed from their innate understanding that they were all integral in the ever evolving and expanding design of the world. The bonds within families, communities, and tribes were marked by practical mutual support, shared responsibilities, and a strong emphasis on collective well-being. 

While this ancient wisdom has, at times, been overshadowed by the passage of time, the influence of the modern world, and cultural erasure, it continues to beckon our souls. It offers a path for us to reconnect with the profound harmony that our ancestors held dear. By embracing this legacy, we can reclaim our place within this vast existence where the tangible and intangible realms work together, waiting for our understanding and alignment to manifest our dreams into the physical world. 

We're all cognizant of how the enslavement of our people cast a dark shadow over our history, representing a solemn era when our heritage was forcibly taken from us, and fabrications were thrust upon us as if they embodied our true power, traditions, and spirituality. This time marked a disconnection from our roots, and for generations, we endured a spiritual exile. Our ancestral wisdom, passed down through the ages, has eroded and been distorted over time.  

Moreover, the priceless knowledge of our grandmothers was frequently suppressed, confined to hushed conversations and secret gatherings. As our bonds and community ties weakened, the absence of shared reflection made it tough to stay connected with our higher selves. This resulted in a reduced opportunity for personal growth and self-discovery, which often stems from our interactions and connections with the people around us. Nevertheless, we must wholeheartedly accept the truth that this period, spanning over four centuries, does not encompass the entirety of our history. 

Regrettably, the methods by which our foremothers harnessed their powers in the past have often been inaccurately portrayed in modern culture, leading to the unwarranted perpetuation of fear, mysticism, and a negative stigma associated with practices such as rituals, astrology, birth readings, divination, crystal work, or communion with spirits, to name a few. We've been led to believe that our ancestral practices are connected with devil worship or meddling with evil forces.  

It's disheartening that even within the African and African American communities, we've been conditioned to regard our cultural traditions as something to be avoided. What's particularly intriguing, is that in the indigenous worldview, there exists no clear distinction between the spirit world and the material realm. Wherever there's matter, there's also spirit, and vice versa. For our ancestors, spirituality isn't merely a facet of life; it's the key to unlocking one's full potential, the ability to manifest the imagined into reality, and the invisible thread of life that exists within all things. 

Well, it's a new day. Once again, the practice of realigning with our true strength and harnessing the power of metaphysical insight is on the rise. It continues to shine as a guiding light of hope in our ever-evolving world, providing Black women with expanded access to divine guidance, innate wisdom, transformative healing, physical well-being, and spiritual insight. Now, hopefully, you see the reason throughout this book I have reminded you, Kindred, how knowing who we are and accessing our gifts are the greatest powers we could possibly express. 

Increasingly, we are coming to understand how engagement in indigenous practices unfolds a pathway to self-discovery and healing, a journey that can often seem elusive. We are now summoning the courage to access the wellspring of power and creativity our ancestors once tapped into as a means of igniting self-love, self-care, and self-healing within ourselves. Rather than remaining entangled in life's external challenges, we are trekking inward to master the art of manifesting, aligning, and conquering adversity. We are beginning to implement extraordinary measures to safeguard our energy and shield ourselves from the negative forces that attempt to lead us astray from our authentic purpose.  

Today, as we navigate a vastly different world, we find ourselves in the process of rediscovering and revitalizing these ancient connections. The challenges of our modern existence have, at times, estranged us from the very foundations that once sustained our ancestors. Yet, the deep well of wisdom and heritage remains, offering a path to rekindle the sacred bonds between ourselves, the Earth, and one another.  

Along the way, as Black women, we have often borne the weight of these historical injustices, grappling with the effects of cultural erasure and spiritual disconnection. Yet, and still, in this modern age, something powerful is stirring in the center of our hearts. We are rising, not just in academics, careers, professional endeavors, entrepreneurship, and financial income, but also in wellness and in every facet of life.  

Because we are shattering the chains that have bound us, both physically and spiritually, I am a huge proponent of returning to the truths of our ancestors is a path to remember our royalty, to access the power that flows in our veins and melinated skin tones, as rich as the sun and the soil of the earth. Our connection to the Universe (God, Source, Creator, etc.) is a pivotal part of this reclamation. Throughout history, Black, African, and Indigenous people have harnessed the wisdom of the stars, utilizing astrology as a guiding light in their lives. 

Astrology, as our ancestors knew, is not just about zodiac signs and horoscopes. It is a language of the Universe, a tool to understand our place in the grand design, to decipher the mysteries of our purpose, and to navigate the journey of destiny fulfillment. Reintegrating readings and natal charts into our lives is like finding an old treasure chest filled with ancient maps that guide us toward our fullest potential. 

The path to reclaiming our path doesn’t stop at birth and natal chart readings. It extends to our discovering and cultivating our innate spiritual gifts that may even include channeling, clairvoyance, intuitive knowledge, and dream interpretation. We must be open to understanding how much such abilities are an aspect of our heritage, often overshadowed by the clamor of modern life. Embracing these gifts is an incredible act of self-care and love. Reaching our highest potential entails tapping into the wellsprings of wisdom that reside within us. 

Before I go, allow me to expound on the wealth of life-changing insights and knowledge about ourselves we obtain when engage in divination, explore our natal/birth charts, commune with nature, or seek spiritual readings:   

  • Deeper Self-Awareness: charts and readings reveal aspects of your personality, strengths, weaknesses, and life path that you may not have been fully aware of. They provide a mirror for self-reflection. 
  • Life Purpose: charts and readings can offer guidance on your life's purpose, helping you understand your unique role and mission in this world. 
  • Personal Growth: charts and readings can highlight areas in your life where personal growth and development are needed, providing an opportunity for transformation. 
  • Connection with Ancestry: charts and readings can offer insights into your ancestral lineage, helping you connect with your roots and ancestral wisdom. 
  • Spiritual Path: charts and readings can help you find or refine your spiritual path, guiding you toward practices and beliefs that resonate with your inner self. 
  • Predictive Guidance: charts and readings can offer insights into future events and challenges, helping you make informed decisions and choices.  
  • Healing: charts and readings can reveal emotional and spiritual wounds, providing the opportunity for healing and personal transformation. 
  • Creativity and Talents: charts and readings often show areas of creative potential and talents, encouraging us to explore and develop these gifts. 
  • Life Lessons: charts and readings can shed light on the life lessons we are meant to learn, empowering us to navigate challenges and grow from them. 
  • Emotional Resilience: charts and readings can empower us to manage mood swings and emotional challenges effectively. We can identify potential triggers and coping strategies. 
  • Communication: charts and readings can highlight our communication style, enabling us to enhance our interpersonal skills and become more effective in conveying our thoughts and feelings. 
  • Decision-Making: charts and readings shed light on personality traits related to decision-making (e.g., assertiveness or indecisiveness), thus empowering us to make choices aligned with our inherent inclinations. 
  • Conflict Resolution: charts and readings provide insight into our temperament and guide us in handling conflicts more constructively by recognizing our emotional reactions and the emotional triggers of others. 
  • Lifestyle Choices: charts and readings help us understand how our moods and personality traits affect our lifestyle choices allow us to make informed decisions regarding daily routines, social interactions, and leisure activities. 
  • Self-Expression: charts and readings often reveal aspects related to creativity and self-expression, guiding us to embrace our unique artistic or expressive qualities.   

And there we have it! I have every confidence that the list shared above ignites your curiosity and motivates you to explore newfound resources that can bolster your individual voyage toward personal healing, growth, love, and transformation. Before you dismiss the idea, allow me to disclose this: prior to my initial reading, I held no enthusiasm for someone foretelling my future or cautioning me about potential challenges awaiting me on my path. It was only as I delved deeper into spiritual practices aligned with our cultural heritage that I started to recognize the extent of my prior unawareness (and this was through no fault of my own). All I can say is that the more I delved into exploration, the more I began to understand myself. The reason for my existence became vividly clear. 

In the spirit of our shared exploration, let us be reminded of the profound wisdom of a renowned quote: "You can't mend a problem using the same mindset that birthed it." The true source of this quote may be debated, but its message remains unwavering in its power. It reminds us that when we encounter life's challenges, we must seek new perspectives and innovative approaches to overcome obstacles and uncover solutions. This timeless truth deeply reverberates with our journey of healing, growth, and transformation. Let us always stay aware that the powerful act of reclaiming our power will consistently drive us to explore new tools, transcend the familiar, and venture into the unknown. That is, after all, evolution along the journey upward. 

I hope the insights shared in this message have broadened your perspective on alternative ways to tap into our power, particularly as melinated women. In a world that often seeks to diminish and marginalize the significance, creative power, and contribution of Black women, recognizing our power automatically becomes a journey of reclamation, a restoration of worth and value, a powerful act of resistance, and a quest for genuine self-love. Such a beautiful and undeniable sojourn guides us back to the stars, the moon, the sun, the rivers, lakes, and oceans, the Earth, and the very roots of our existence. The choice to reclaim our power is an unequivocal proclamation that our identities are not shaped by the past; rather, we are the architects of our destinies, drawing strength from the legacy of our ancestors and thus bringing fruition to futures that were once only envisioned.  

Whichever path we choose, whether it's delving into indigenous traditions or opting for a more modern approach, let's find the encouragement to persist in expanding our minds, aligning our hearts, and elevating our spirits. There's no greater way to ground ourselves than by reclaiming our heritage, reigniting our connection with the stars, and striding in the radiant power that has perpetually belonged to us.  

Until next time, the amazing light within you. Shine brightly on the Journey Up! 


Here's Your Daily Journal Prompt:  

Reflect on your life's canvas: How have your choices shaped your journey to self-love, worthiness, and happiness? Contemplate the masterpiece you've created and envision the new choices that can authentically reflect your true self while positively impacting the world. 

One Last Note:  

Stay tuned. The Path and The Power of Self-Love will be available for purchase January 1, 2024. 

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