Let Go Of Your But! (Journey Up! Publishihg)
$29.00 CAD
It is the belief of author success provocateur Naje Badu (formerly known as Kimberly E. Banks), that the lack of self-love is the difference between women who reach their full potential and those who struggle to find the power within to cultivate new possibilities daily. Through a powerful delivery of insight and passion woven throughout, Let Go of Your But! A Woman’s Guide to Loving Herself into Full Potential, Power, and Possibility, the author inspires us to take the first step out of fear or pain and into love, fulfillment and our individual and collective destinies. Rather than solely encouraging us to re-discover the enthusiasm, grit, motivation, and accountability it takes to move our way ambitiously and excitedly into the lives we desire, Ms. Badu teaches us to love ourselves first.