Understand Yourself

Understand Yourself

Naje Badu

As Black women, our journey of self-discovery delves into the depth of our vibrant cultural heritage and the multifaceted layers of our identity. As we traverse this path together, a consistent truth will prevail: awareness and understanding form the very bedrock upon which our lives unfold. Understanding this truth empowers us to embrace ourselves unapologetically and with full confidence. Some unconventional paths like birth charts, natal charts, personal energy identity readings, astrology readings, rituals, meditation, and more are often misconceived when it comes to understanding ourselves more deeply—our values, purpose, gifts, mission, career path, idiosyncrasies, and mental nuances. However, it's vital to recognize that despite any negative perceptions, these alternative avenues are incredible tools for expanding our awareness of who we are and why we exist. They offer unique perspectives on our existence and can deeply impact our understanding of ourselves.  

Placing this passage at the beginning of our journey is strategically significant primarily for three reasons: first, to expose this pathways to preempt any potential misunderstandings or discomfort that might arise; second, to promote exploration to enhance your self-awareness, complementing what you gain from this series; and third, to offer the choice to skip if it doesn't currently resonate or align with where you currently are in your journey. Keep in mind, these alternative pathways are not merely options but potential catalysts for broadening the scope of possibilities in our lives. Also, it should be noted that I've personally embarked on and continue to traverse these alternative pathways. It is for that reason, I encourage us all to follow our hearts and determine what resonates best with our unique paths.  

That said, let's take a quick glimpse at some unconventional routes we can take to expand our self-awareness. 


Deepening Cultural Awareness 

Knowing about our lineage and cultural background is more than simply acknowledging the past; it's about empowering our present and shaping our future. It provides a profound sense of belonging, granting us the strength to navigate the complexities of our identity. Deepening our cultural awareness helps unearth the gifts, powers, and insights of those who came before us, paving the way for our growth and self-acceptance. 

Delving into our cultural heritage is akin to embarking on a quest for hidden treasures within our lineage. In our daily lives, we often overlook the incredible power within the legacy our predecessors have left for us—a boundless source of gifts, inspiration and strength. The enduring stories, challenges, and victories of our forebears and elders contain invaluable lessons that deepen our self-awareness and understanding of our role in the world. 

In discovering our cultural heritage, we connect with the collective wisdom of our community, drawing from the experiences of those who faced adversity with unwavering determination. As embodiments of resilience, our familial matriarchs and patriarchs naturally possess an inherent roadmap, much like a metaphorical flashlight, illuminating the path to overcoming obstacles and adversities. Furthermore, delving into our cultural heritage unveils the cultural practices, traditions, and rituals that have been passed down through generations, most of which hold the key to understanding our values, beliefs, and the very essence of our identity. By embracing and preserving these customs, we not only honor our roots but also find deeper meaning and self-acceptance in our personal journey. 

Let me share an intriguing idea for your consideration (I assure you, this is the only instance in this series where I'll touch on science, as it's not typically my area of expertise): In our journey towards self-discovery and empowerment, it's vital to understand our true history and ancestral heritage. Science confirms that humanity originated in Africa over 300,000 years ago. The first human beings, who were African, spread into Asia and later to what is now known as Europe. The idea of race as a divisive construct is scientifically debunked, and it's crucial to recognize that everyone is descended from African roots. Acknowledging this history, understanding our genetic memory that spans thousands of years, is a powerful tool for self-discovery. 

This understanding unlocks a wealth of wisdom within us, rooted in our DNA, offering a deeper connection to our ancestral knowledge. Figures like Angela Davis, Maya Angelou, Oprah Winfrey, Phylicia Rashad, Debbie Allen, Toni Morrison, or even Meagan the Stallion, known for their remarkable gifts, talents, and insights, drew from this well of ancestral wisdom. 

As Black women on a quest to comprehend, heal, and authentically express ourselves, it's crucial to recognize that our exploration of ancestry, lineage, and DNA memory isn't about establishing superiority over others or diminishing anyone. Instead, this journey is an endeavor focused on reclaiming our unique story and truth. 

No matter the depth of your exploration, embracing the truth of our legacy significantly contributes to our path towards self-love and authenticity. Embracing our history and genetic memory helps us in showing up whole, complete, and unapologetically authentic. Understanding our legacy and its truth enables us to live without shame or the pressure of assimilation, allowing us to stand firm in our true selves, which affirms our identity and purpose. Embracing a complete understanding of ourselves allows us to engage with life from a position of strength and authenticity. Embracing a complete understanding of ourselves allows us to engage with life from a position of strength and authenticity. It means fully accepting who we are and our purpose without any apologies or hesitations. 


Understanding Mind (Mental Make-Up) 

In the Black community, there's a growing openness towards therapy—a significant shift from the past where we were conditioned to suppress our emotions, particularly concerning micro-aggressions and oppressive circumstances. Understanding the intricacies of our minds is crucial for grasping the depths of our inner selves. It's like peeling back the layers of our personalities to uncover what influences our thoughts, emotions, and actions in everyday life. 

Whether it's in our personal lives, careers, or within our communities, the ability to make nuanced decisions can determine our success, harmony, and progress. By delving into an understanding of our minds, we gain access to our inner genius, comprehend our mental states, and unravel the intricacies of our relationships—both with others and within ourselves. It's about recognizing whether our internal dialogues limit us or contribute to a healthy mindset.  

To deepen our understanding of our minds, we can explore therapy, mindfulness practices, self-reflection, educational resources, support networks, psychological assessments, and prioritize physical well-being. 


Perceiving Persona and Personality  

During our time here, it's worth considering how our personas and personality traits influence our interactions with the world. Our persona represents the outward image or "mask" we present to the world, often influenced by societal roles, cultural norms, and the demands of different environments. For Black women, our personas often intertwine with societal roles, cultural expectations, and the necessity to navigate diverse spaces. Distinguishing between our persona and our genuine self is a pivotal aspect of self-discovery. The persona is the face we showcase to the world, often shaped by societal expectations and roles. However, our genuine personality, our true essence, lies beneath this constructed exterior. Understanding the difference between persona and personality is crucial. 

Our personality, on the other hand, is more intrinsic, reflecting our genuine character, innate traits, and beliefs. It's the core of who we are, irrespective of external influences. Understanding our personality provides invaluable insights, particularly within the relationships we navigate in life. It helps us comprehend our behavioral tendencies, communication styles, and emotional responses.  

Recognizing the difference and exploring these aspects – personality and persona - can be liberating. It allows us to identify where societal expectations might influence our behaviors and where our genuine traits lie. As it relates to how we show up in the world, understanding these two aspects of ourselves aids in aligning our actions more authentically with our true selves, fostering a deeper sense of self-awareness, confidence, and personal integrity.  

There are numerous tools, assessments, and evaluations that we can use to gain insight into our persona and personality. Here are just a few, in case you are interested in exploring them on your own time: 

  • Personality Assessments: Tools like MBTI, Enneagram, or Big Five Traits help identify behavioral tendencies. 
  • Self-Reflection and Journaling: Personal reflection aids in understanding thoughts and emotions. 
  • Feedback and Observation: Seek input from others to understand how you're perceived. 
  • Therapy or Counseling: Professionals help delve into thoughts and behaviors for deeper understanding. 


Understanding Archetypes 

Archetypes, the symbolic patterns rooted in our shared experiences, arise from our cultural narratives, societal norms, and personal experiences, influencing how we, as Black women, perceive ourselves and our position in the world. Exploring our archetypes unveils profound insights into our unique qualities, behaviors, and the roles we assume. Understanding these patterns aids in clarifying our identity and our connection with the world around us. 

This exploration untangles our motivations, empowering us, as Black women, to reclaim our stories and liberate ourselves from societal pressures. Unraveling inherited archetypes, often shaped by societal oppression, assists us in redefining our roles and behaviors. 

Learning about these archetypes involves self-reflection and sometimes seeking guidance from psychological resources. This journey leads us to a deeper self-understanding and a more authentic life within the intricate web of human experiences. 

There are numerous tools, assessments, and evaluations that we can use to gain insight into our archetypes. Here are just a few, in case you are interested in exploring them on your own time:  

  • Psychological Assessments (e.g., MBTI, Enneagram) analyze personal archetypes and behavior.  
  • Archetypal Psychology Tools explore dominant archetypal patterns and their impact.  
  • Literary & Cultural Exploration offers insights into diverse archetypal patterns and their societal meanings through literature, myths, and cultural narratives.  

For the sake of expanding our understanding, here are some of the most commonly recognized archetypes: the Hero, the Mentor, the Villain, the Innocent, the Rebel, the Sage, the Explorer, the Lover, the Jester, the Caregiver, the Creator, the Ruler, the Everyman, the Orphan, the Magician, the Outlaw, the Artist, the Companion, and the Wise Old Person. Each archetype embodies distinctive traits, motivations, and roles found across various narratives and human experiences. 


Exposing Shadows 

The term "shadow," a concept developed by Carl Jung, refers to the parts of ourselves we tend to hide or deny, those thoughts, feelings, or traits we find unacceptable. These hidden elements have a deep impact on our lives, subtly affecting the relationships we maintain, creating misunderstandings or conflicts, and hindering our ability to love ourselves fully. 

When we don't take the time to become aware of our shadow, these hidden aspects continue to influence us unconsciously. They shape our behavior and emotions, limiting our personal growth and capacity for self-love. To embark on a path of shadow work, there are several approaches: 


  • Exploration of Triggers: Paying attention to emotional triggers and their patterns can offer valuable insights into the aspects of our shadow. Observing these triggers can help identify underlying suppressed emotions or beliefs. 
  • Self-Acceptance Work: Embracing self-compassion and self-acceptance practices creates an atmosphere of understanding, enabling the recognition and acceptance of those hidden or disowned parts of ourselves. 
  • Confronting Patterns: Recognizing repeated behavioral or relationship patterns and analyzing their origins and underlying motivations can uncover aspects of our shadow that affect these cycles.  
Discovering and integrating these hidden aspects through shadow work leads to a more comprehensive understanding of ourselves, enabling a path toward self-acceptance and personal growth. 


Charts and Readings 

Reaching this point, our collective open-mindedness deserves recognition. In this concluding section, we'll collectively explore a pathway towards uncovering more about our true selves, our purposes, and the intricate nature of our divine paths that is often misunderstood or negatively portrayed. May we be encouraged to approach charts and readings (psychic, familial, energetic, natal/birth, divination, etc.) with an open mind, setting aside preconceived notions and assumptions. In doing so, we grant ourselves the chance to explore what resonates as truth for us, beyond the surface of what's we currently deem as "written in the cards." We avail ourselves to the empowering potential these learnings hold in sculpting the lives we genuinely desire. 

Now, by obtaining natal charts or readings, we glimpse into the divine map of our life – from birth to transition – that gives insight into our strengths, challenges, and the unique universal influences present upon entrance into this earthly realm. This understanding aids us in comprehending our life's purpose, potential opportunities, and challenges we will experience as our life continues to unfold. 

Great job getting through all that! These are just a few recommended paths to achieve a deeper understanding of our identity, how we navigate the world, and the ongoing journey of our lives. Disregarding our cultural heritage risks severing our roots and creates a fragmented sense of self. Neglecting the psychological aspects of our existence denies us the opportunity for self-awareness and growth, impeding personal development and self-acceptance. 

Ultimately, by embracing our cultural awareness and exploring the workings of our minds, including understanding archetypes, shadow-selves, personas, personality traits, we forge a pathway towards empowerment. Through understanding and honoring our roots and integrating all aspects of our identity, we unify our past with our present, guiding us towards a more authentic and fulfilling future. 

Certainly, it's understood that these pathways are intended for those of us who are genuinely committed to surrendering to the passion and desires of our souls. It's for those who are ready to unleash the authentic impulse seeking expression, transcending our current capacities and eagerly embracing the possibilities that may arise consequently. As we allow our egos to transcend judgment, our minds open wide, inviting us to explore the truths about ourselves.  

Tapping into these individual truths helps us uncover our potential, a potential that only reveals itself when our hearts are open, and we possess the courage to envision a life larger than our own. Bravery is what propels us to manifest our true desires, nurture our creative energies, address past wounds and trauma, and ultimately craft new experiences that bear no resemblance to our past. My friend, this journey represents the very essence of the true path to self-love. 


Until next time, embrace peace and love on the Journey Up! 




Here's Your Daily Journal Prompt:  

Reflect on your life's canvas: How have your choices shaped your journey to self-love, worthiness, and happiness? Contemplate the masterpiece you've created and envision the new choices that can authentically reflect your true self while positively impacting the world. 


One Last Note:  

Stay tuned. The Path and The Power of Self-Love will be available for purchase January 1, 2024. 

For further inspiration and resources, feel free to explore our Journey Up! Book Club, peruse the shelves of our Journey Up! Library,  immerse yourself in Meditation and Affirmation Videos, or join our Growth Academy, and join our Membership Program (app). You can also join the waitlist for our upcoming Classes and Masterminds,  


